BTR Fabrications

Shedlife – News From The BTR Shed

What’s new in BTR Shedlife?

It seems like ages since Ive written anything here…I guess that because it has been ages…oh well!  Better late than never, right?  Here goes…

We’ve been rather quiet over the past few weeks on Facebook and Twitter.  Not because we’ve been sitting twiddling our thumbs or watching videos of cats; we’ve actually been flat out with heaps of exciting stuff!

Frames are flying out to Japanese distributor, Yuris, and our European distributor [EDIT 2016: We no longer have a European distributor – contact us directly instead!] have just taken delivery of their first order.  Things are looking good, you might say!

Burf has been spending about 150% of his spare time in Frome at The Bicycle Academy helping them move their entire workshop, plus a heap of new (old) and exciting machines, to a larger unit.  (You should help out too- there’s free biscuits!)  The biscuits aren’t the only reason he’s kicking around there so much though; The Bicycle Academy will soon be offering TIG welding masterclasses taught by Burf himself!

We do have a few special projects in the works too…all a bit hush-hush at the moment, but we’ll roll them out soon enough!

Whats this then?
Whats this then?

Its been around since Bespoked Bristol, but the new Belter will see its official ‘launch’ soon enough.  Excited about that one; same DH beast, but lighter and prettier! (and a few other tweaks here and there too…)

The Belter’s rear brake mount has been on a diet, amongst other things

Thats all for now folks! As Rob Warner would say “LOOK AT THE TIME!!” Its 1:37AM, and the ivy growing through the shed wall is barely 2 inches from my pillow; I need to do some gardening before I can fall asleep.



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